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  • Application of deep learning in iron ore sintering process: a review ...

    2024.3.16  Along with the rapid development of deep learning technology, process modelling and simulation incorporating sintering theory and large-scale production data

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  • Application of machine learning algorithms for prediction of sinter ...

    2021.12.15  Sinter is produced as a combined result of incipient fusion, grain boundary diffusion and recrystallization of iron oxides. Speed of sinter machine is so

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  • Research and Application of Optimization Method for Iron and

    In view of iron and steel sintering ingredients, a comprehensive optimization method for iron and steel sintering ingredients is proposed. With the lowest cost Research and

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  • The strength prediction model of iron ore sinter based on an

    2023.2.1  First published online February 1, 2023. The strength prediction model of iron ore sinter based on an artificial neural network. Qingyun Huang, ZengHao Liu, [] ,

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  • Application of a clean fuel produced by electrolysis in iron ore ...

    2023.12.1  Abstract. Using a clean fuel produced by electrolysis named Brown gas to assist sintering in the iron ore sintering process was proposed to reduce coke

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  • Automated Optical Image Analysis of Iron Ore Sinter

    2021.5.25  To demonstrate the application of the aforementioned improvements to the automated OIA characterization of crushed iron ore sinter samples, three sinter samples utilized in a recent sinter

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  • Application of steam injection in iron ore sintering: fuel

    Iron ore sin-tering is a crucial stage in the whole steelmaking flow, the function of which is to process iron ores (\ 8 mm) into lumpy sinter, thereby providing raw materials for iron

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  • Application of biomass fuel in iron ore sintering: influencing ...

    2014.5.1  Application of biomass fuel in iron ore sintering: influencing mechanism and emission reduction. M. Gan. , X. Fan. , Z. Ji. , T. Jiang. , X. Chen. , Z. Yu. , show all.

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