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  • 矿业合作|在非洲,看河南地矿如何讲好“中国故事”_建设

    2021.9.3  河南省地矿局地矿二院院长郭明甫介绍,河南省地矿局是全省“境外资源合作责任单位”,是地勘单位开展国际矿业合作的主力军。. 2006.以来,地矿二院在河南地质行业率先开展国际矿业合作,经过十余.的艰苦奋斗,在坦桑尼亚探明中型金矿床1处,小型

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  • 仅从地理角度出发,如今那些省份是中原省份? - 知乎

    2019.7.5  76,448. 18 个回答. 默认排序. 地理答啦. 27 人赞同了该回答. 关于中原的范围,可以参考目前“中原经济区”的范围: 规划中的中原经济区,包括 河南全省 、山西东南部、河北南部、山东西南部和安徽西北部,共5省30个地级市及3个市辖区、县。 河南省:郑州、洛阳、开封、南阳、安阳、商丘、新乡、 平顶山 、许昌、焦作、周口、信阳、 驻马店

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  • 打造农业“芯” 护航中原农谷高质量发展 《河南省中原农谷发展 ...

    2024.3.27  河南省人大融媒体中心讯(记者 王紫仪)作为农业大省、粮食大省,河南的小麦、花生育种水平国际领先,供种能力全国第一,在维护国家粮食安全上肩负重任。. 河南高位布局中原农谷建设,打造汇聚南北方、覆盖粮蔬果、贯通产学研的创新链条,为打好种业 ...

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  • 中原观察丨把资源优势转化为经济优势 - 河南省人民政府 ...

    2024.4.6  河南省人民政府门户网站 henan.gov.cn 时间:2024-04-06 07:04 来源:河南报 分享: 中部地区是我国重要粮食生产基地、能源原材料基地、现代装备制造及高技术产业基地和综合交通运输枢纽,在全国具有举足轻重的地位。

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  • 中原经济区煤层(页岩)气河南省协同创新中心接受期末验收 ...

    2017.5.25  屈凌波代表专家组通报了评估意见。. 意见指出,中原经济区煤层(页岩)气河南省协同创新中心在建设期内通过重大任务牵引,有效汇聚创新资源并深度协同,在科学研究、人才培养、社会服务等方面取得了卓著成效,走在了全省的前列,建议中心 ...

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  • 《河南省建设中原城市群实施方案》印发建成全国经济发展新 ...


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  • 坚持底线思维 守护中原粮仓——聚焦河南省耕地保护与利用 ...

    2020.6.28  由于河南省地处中原,土地开发利用程度较高,建设占用的多为城市周边优质耕地,而补充耕地多来自偏远的自然条件较差的区域,耕作条件远不如被占用的耕地,质量也难以相提并论,客观上形成了“占优补劣”。 因生态退耕、自然灾毁,农民自发在承包耕地上植树等占用耕地的现象也比较严重。 此外,过度使用化肥农药,工业废水、废渣随意排

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  • 抢占量子产业发展赛道 建设量子科技示范城市 - 河南省人民 ...

    2023.8.10  根据规划建设方案,中原量子谷将打造“一院、一城、一平台、多网点多基地”,为一流高校、科研院所来豫围绕量子产业开展高水平研究提供全要素保障,同时,为科研人员创新创业和量子科创企业在豫发展提供科技对接、科技金融、企业孵化与产业培育全 ...

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  • 河南省教育厅关于2023“印记中原”河南省大学生乡村设计大赛 ...

    2023.12.25  各高等学校:. 根据河南省教育厅办公室《关于举办普通高等学校2023“设计河南”系列大学生学科竞赛的通知》(教办高〔2023〕179号)安排,我厅组织开展了2023“印记中原”河南省大学生乡村设计大赛。. 经学校推荐、初赛评选、终赛评审,最终产生一等奖54项 ...

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  • Determination of Ionizing Radiation Exposure

    2017.10.15  This study determined the background ionizing radiation of four mining sites from Sardauna local government area of Taraba state using an inspector alert nuclear radiation meter manufactured by S ...

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  • An update on global mining land use Scientific Data - Nature

    2022.7.22  Here we present a new dataset that improves global mining land use accounting by significantly expanding our previous global-scale dataset of mining sites 21, 23. The data update includes 44,929 ...

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  • Local Governance and Labor Organizations on

    2018.11.5  This paper based on the institutional analysis and development framework (IAD) is to discuss the local governance and labor organizations on artisanal gold mining camps in Burkina Faso; a West

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  • The socio-ecological impacts of mining on the well-being of

    2024.3.1  Many mine sites are located on or near Indigenous Lands (ILs) and close to pristine ecosystems, which have caused social, ... mining companies often hire non-local Indigenous workers or workers from outside the local community rather than Indigenous people from the local community. For example, according to Energy Resources

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  • Where To Gem Mine Near You in 2024 Great Spots In Each

    2024.1.12  Where To Find Gem Mines Near You (Also Crystal Mines) Click on the state on the map above that you are interested in finding great gem mining spots for. We’ve put together comprehensive guides for every state colored in green. Within each guide, you will find a wide variety of places to find gems as well as some great crystal mines.

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  • Burkina Faso: Global Gold Expansion and Local Terrains

    2020.5.5  The West and South-West of Burkina Faso have a long history of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) (Kiétéga 1983; Werthmann 2007) but further expansion of ASGM dates from the 1980s.Currently, ASGM supports nearly 1.2 million people 1 in a country with a population of 19.7 million, hence it is a significant source of livelihood. 2 In

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  • Major Mining Sites of Wallonia - UNESCO World Heritage

    Major Mining Sites of Wallonia. The four sites of the property form a strip 170 km long by 3–15 km wide, crossing Belgium from east to west, consisting of the best-preserved 19th- and 20th-century coal-mining sites of the country. ... Guarantees have been provided for the sound management of the urban and rural buffer zones through local town ...

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  • The local employment impacts of mining: an econometric

    2017.2.6  The way in which mining contributes to job opportunities in the region where it takes place has become increasingly important for the industry’s relations to the local community. The employment impacts of mining are however far from straightforward to assess. Considering these uncertainties about real-life job impacts, it is vital that there

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  • Interactive map of mineral resources and mines across the

    2024.5.9  The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Resources Data System catalogs information about mineral resources around the United States and the world. Using the map tool, users can zoom in to obtain reports and data on past and present mines, mine prospects, and processing plants. All of the data can be downloaded for further use and

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  • Best Cloud Mining Sites 2024: A Beginners Guide - BeInCrypto

    2023.1.17  Importance of cloud mining. Bitcoin mining costs: macromicro. Every 210,000 blocks (roughly every four years), block rewards for mining bitcoin are cut in half. This means that in April 2024, the current reward of 6.25 BTC will be reduced to 3.125 BTC. Bitcoin mining generated $3.39/ TH per second at its peak in 2017.

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  • Examining the Impacts of Noise on Communities Living Near Mine Sites ...

    2023.7.14  Living near a mine often means having a symbiotic relationship with the site. Communities near mines benefit from a reliable income source, community growth, and corporate funding for local initiatives. However, these aspects can be overshadowed by the negative environmental impacts, particularly concerning noise pollution.

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  • Burkina Faso: Global Gold Expansion and Local Terrains

    2020.5.5  The West and South-West of Burkina Faso have a long history of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) (Kiétéga 1983; Werthmann 2007) but further expansion of ASGM dates from the 1980s.Currently, ASGM supports nearly 1.2 million people 1 in a country with a population of 19.7 million, hence it is a significant source of livelihood. 2 In

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  • Mining in Papua New Guinea: a sector profile

    2019.10.10  Mining accounted for more than 10 per cent of GDP in 2019 and the sector was responsible for 35 per cent of the country’s export revenues. Principal mineral exports were gold, copper, nickel and cobalt.

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  • Environmental reclamation of limestone mining sites in

    2024.2.1  Many operators in the mining sector illegally acquire excavated soils and stones in the quarry areas disadvantaging the sites authorized for restoration. Making it possible the reuse of excavated soils and stones only at a specific authorized restoration site, the opportunities for illegal disposal would be drastically avoided;

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  • The local employment impacts of mining: an econometric

    2017.2.6  The way in which mining contributes to job opportunities in the region where it takes place has become increasingly important for the industry’s relations to the local community. The employment impacts of mining are however far from straightforward to assess. Considering these uncertainties about real-life job impacts, it is vital that there

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  • Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining

    2013.7.1  3.5. Interdisciplinary dimension of reclamation. All mining operations, due to their nature, have negative impacts on the cultural landscape. And opencast mining activities are not an exception, as they drastically change the former dynamic equilibrium of the landscape, leading to the formation of new ecosystems.

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  • The socio-ecological impacts of mining on the well-being of

    2024.3.1  Many mine sites are located on or near Indigenous Lands (ILs) and close to pristine ecosystems, which have caused social, ... mining companies often hire non-local Indigenous workers or workers from outside the local community rather than Indigenous people from the local community. For example, according to Energy Resources

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  • The Sense of Place of Local Mining Heritage in Wallonia

    2023.9.15  1. ABSTRACT. Mining activities have shaped the landscape and local communities in Belgium and several countries worldwide. This research investigates the uses and ascribed heritage status of former coal mining sites and slag heaps that are not listed as major mining sites. Many former mining sites lack official recognition and are

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  • Iron Fish Dev Docs Local Mining

    We also run a basic mining pool on testnet that anyone can join. To get started, retrieve the public key of the account you want to use: ironfish wallet:address. And use that public key to join the mining pool: ironfish miners:start --pool testnet.pool.ironfishwork:9034 --address . Join our Discord if you're interested in ...

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  • Local communities can reap better benefits from mining if

    2017.7.10  The local effects of mining show gains in nonfarm activity, but mixed outcomes for child health. A robust analytical approach (one going beyond descriptive statistics) is needed to evaluate the benefits—in terms of occupations, asset accumulation, access to infrastructure, child health, etc.—flowing to mining communities. ...

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  • Health impacts of industrial mining on surrounding communities: Local ...

    2021.6.4  The Kenmare Moma Mining has two Titanium minerals mining sites located along the coast. The first mining site was opened in 2004 and data has been collected in the four villages closest to the mine. The second mining site has been established a few kilometres south and was under construction during the data collection.

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  • 19 Best Cryptocurrency Mining Platforms [High Performing

    2024.4.22  Braiins Pool. Braiins Pool, earlier known as Slush Pool, is an excellent place to step in for anyone aiming for pool mining. It’s one of the veterans in bitcoin mining, presently mining about 3.5% of all bitcoins. Braiins Pool charges a

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  • Exploring 20+ Best Bitcoin Cloud Mining Sites of 2024

    2024.2.7  18. Genesis Mining. Genesis Mining, established in 2013, stands as one of the earliest Bitcoin companies and remains a prominent player in the cloud mining sector. With approximately 300,000 users, the platform offers mining services for various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and altcoins.

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  • Biodiversity conservation threatened by global mining wastes

    2023.11.27  Facilities that store the waste and tailings of mining operations pose a salient threat to biodiversity. Despite international consensus to mitigate mining impacts on local ecosystems, globally ...

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    2020.10.12  between mining companies and local communities. A consequence is the potential for mining companies to wield too much power in the local context.Traditional cultures may have difficulty coping with vast industrial operations and the influx of outsiders.A growing appreciation of the intrinsic value of traditional

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  • Science at Mining Sites U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov

    Mining activities have the potential to release harmful substances into the soil, air and water. Extraction and processing produce tailings piles that can contain radioactive elements, mercury, and heavy metals; leach ponds of cyanide and brine solutions; metallic dust; and waste rock. Environmental contamination at mine sites can be particularly challenging to

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  • Mining is necessary for the green transition. Here’s why ... - PBS

    2023.12.8  Odell noted that mine workers spray water to reduce the amount of dust that could otherwise make its way from the mining site to contaminate local agricultural fields or water sources with heavy ...

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  • Do local communities benefit from mining? - World Bank Blogs

    2016.6.2  Moreover, on the negative side, consumption inequality within mining districts is higher than in comparable nonproducing districts. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that local populations may benefit relatively less from mining activity than migrants, in part due to a skills mismatch that hinders their employment in some of the ...

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  • Assessing impacts of mining on provisioning ecosystem

    2023.8.12  Context Mitigating the impacts of mining on biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES) is critical for maintaining human wellbeing in mineral-rich landscapes. Environmental assessments and mitigation plans almost always consider impacts on biodiversity, yet few extend to the individual ES valued by local communities. As a result,

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  • Understanding the impacts of mining on ecosystem services

    2021.3.1  Understanding the effects of mining on ES requires identifying and conceptualising the full ES chain including four key components – supply, demand, flow and benefits (Figure 1) (Mandle et al., 2020; Villareal-Rosas et al., 2020).Extracting mineral resources results in removal or modification of areas of natural ecosystems (Castello and

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