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  • Biomineralization of calcium phosphate revealed

    2018.11.13  Abstract. Calcium phosphate biomineralization is essential to the formation of bones and teeth, and other pathological

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  • Introducing the crystalline phase of dicalcium phosphate ... - Nature

    2020.3.24  Abstract. Calcium orthophosphates (CaPs) are important in geology, biomineralization, animal metabolism and biomedicine, and constitute a structurally and chemically diverse class of minerals....

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  • Calcium phosphate mineralization in bone tissues directly

    2019.5.14  Calcium phosphate mineralization in bone tissues directly observed in aqueous liquid by atmospheric SEM (ASEM) without staining: microfluidics crystallization chamber and immuno-EM Scientific...

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  • Modulating ion-binding at macromolecular interfaces during

    2024.5.8  Local environments have strict influence over (bio)mineralization in calcifying systems. This snapshot review discusses recent insights into the roles of Ca2+-macromolecule interactions on the nucleation of calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate minerals. Experimental findings combined with simulations/modeling are providing

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  • Calcium Phosphate Mineral - an overview ScienceDirect

    The bone mineral is a calcium phosphate idealized as HAp (Ca 10 (PO 4) 6 (OH) 2 ). However, comprehensive studies on bone and synthetic apatites have led to the conclusion that bone mineral is not pure HAp.

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  • Calcium and Phosphorus SpringerLink

    2021.9.4  Calcium and phosphorus are two minerals found in abundance in the body, and are involved in several essential physiological processes. Maintenance of these elements in a normal range are fundamental to disease prevention in the aging population with regards to osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and bone health.

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  • Calcium Phosphate Biominerals Reviews in Mineralogy and

    2002.1.1  Article history. Cite. Share. Permissions. On a quantitative basis, the most important of the calcium phosphates (Table 1 1) is an apatite closely related to hydroxylapatite (HAP). This is better described as an impure carbonate-containing apatite (CO 3 Ap) and forms the inorganic component of bones and teeth.

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  • Critical and diverse roles of phosphates in human

    In the case of humans, phosphates are not only a key building block of biologically derived mineral, but free phosphates in the biological milieu also enact control over the formation of new mineral by influencing a wide

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  • Calcium Phosphate Mineral - an overview ScienceDirect

    Removal of P using Ca compounds may initially precipitate a number of calcium phosphate minerals such as brushite, octacalcium phosphate, hydroxyl apatite, whitlockite, monetite, or amorphous calcium phosphate. The most common of these minerals is hydroxylapatite [Ca5 (PO 4) 3 OH] ( Valsami-Jones, 2001 ); its formation is described in Eq. [27.2]:

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  • 5 minéraux qui contiennent du phosphate

    2019.2.13  Réimphoto / Getty Images L'apatite (Ca 5 (PO 4) 3 F) est un élément clé du cycle du phosphore. Il est répandu mais peu commun dans les roches ignées et métamorphiques. L'apatite est une famille de

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    Le phosphate de calcium est un sel inorganique et tertiaire dont la formule chimique est Ca 3 (PO 4) 2.La formule indique que la composition de ce sel est de 3: 2 pour le calcium et le phosphate, respectivement. Cela peut être vu directement dans l'image ci-dessous, où le cation Ca 2+ et l'anion PO 4 3-sont représentés. Pour trois Ca 2+, il y a deux PO 4 3- qui

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  • Calcium Phosphate Formula, Properties Application

    Calcium phosphate is a family of materials and minerals that contain calcium ions (Ca 2+) together with orthophosphates (PO 43−) or metaphosphates (PO 3−) and sometimes hydrogen or hydroxide ions. This family of materials and minerals is primarily found in rocks and bone, and is also an essential component for all living organisms.

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  • Minéralisations biologiques à base de phosphate de calcium

    2004.10.1  Biological mineralisations based on calcium phosphate. The mineral fractions of bones and teeth are non-stoichiometric apatite crystals. Their morphology, dimensions, composition and reactivity are adapted to their biological function. ... Toutes les minéralisations biologiques à base de phosphate de calcium peuvent être représentées

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  • Phase Transformations in Calcium Phosphate Crystallization

    2016.12.22  Abstract. Calcium phosphates are widespread in geochemistry, in biomineralization, and as biomaterials, and thus they have solicited great interest among researchers. In this chapter, prenucleation phenomena, amorphous phases, and crystallization processes from amorphous precursors are discussed for the calcium

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  • Le cycle du phosphore InfoMetha

    2024.5.4  Les principales formes de phosphate. P 2 O 5 : superphosphate. H 3 PO 4: acide phosphorique. HPO 4 2-, H 2 PO 4-: ions hydrogénophosphate et dihydrogénophosphate. ... Les engrais minéraux phosphatés sont tirés des gisements naturels de phosphate de calcium, dont les principaux sont présents en Chine, aux États

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  • Calcium - Bienfaits, Rôles et Effets Secondaires - Doctonat

    2021.3.22  Cela peut provoquer une résorption osseuse, ainsi qu’une augmentation des taux d'hormones parathyroïdiennes. Nous vous conseillons de ne pas dépasser cette dose, ainsi que la dose maximale de 2500 mg par jour. L'apport minimal en calcium varie selon le groupe d'âge et la grossesse : Age. Dose journalière recommandée.

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  • Silica mitigated calcium mineral scaling in brackish water

    2023.9.1  Representative water flux decline profiles for individual and combined mineral scaling of a reverse osmosis membrane by silica and either (A) gypsum or (B) amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). Scaling experiments were performed in a complete recycle mode for 1800 min with an initial water permeate flux of 29.41 ± 0.47 L m −2 h −1

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  • A Review of Phosphate Mineral Nucleation in Biology and

    2013.9.28  However, calcium phosphate minerals do nucleate and grow in these environments. The chemical mechanism of phosphorite mineral nucleation in the environment has been a question for over 100 years, as has the chemical mechanism of biological apatite nucleation within organisms. ... de Jager H-J, Heyns AM (1998)

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  • Phosphore - Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

    2021.5.6  L’apatite (Ca5 (PO4)3(OH,Cl,F)), un phosphate de calcium, est le principal minéral contenant le phosphate (Arianne Phosphate, 2015a). Ce minéral se présente souvent en cristaux prismatiques de forme hexagonale et de couleur variant de blanchâtre à verdâtre et parfois bleutée. Une des apatites les plus communes est la fluorapatite (Ca5 ...

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  • DCP - Phosphate Bicalcique - Phosphea

    Phosphea produit du phosphate bicalcique à Saint-Malo (France), Gabès (Tunisie), Carthagène (Espagne) et Imbituba (Brésil). Le DCP figure parmi les premiers phosphates alimentaires que nous avons développés. Nos

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  • Phosphate Minerals SpringerLink

    2022.7.7  Phosphate minerals are utilized in various fields. ... and it was confirmed that the gallium in the cements hardly moved from the defect created for the implantation. de Rezande et al. (2019) used ... Qi C, Sun T-W, Wu J, Chen F (2015) Amorphous calcium phosphate nanowires prepared using beta-glycerophosphate disodium salt as an organic ...

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  • Effects of pH and Dissolved Silicate on Phosphate

    2021.12.17  Release of sorbed phosphate from ferric iron oxyhydroxides can contribute to excessive algal growth in surface water bodies. Dissolved silicate has been hypothesized to facilitate phosphate

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  • Introducing the crystalline phase of dicalcium phosphate ... - Nature

    2020.3.24  De Yoreo, J. J. et al. Crystallization by particle attachment in synthetic, biogenic, and geologic environments. ... Recent studies of Bone-mineral-is the amorphous calcium-phosphate theory valid ...

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  • Is Calcium Phosphate Vegan casa de sante

    Calcium phosphate is a compound that consists of calcium and phosphate ions. It naturally occurs in various forms and is an important mineral in the human body. In addition to its physiological role, calcium phosphate is widely used in various industries. Calcium phosphate is not only a vital component of bones and teeth, but it also plays a ...

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  • Calcium et phosphate biodisponibles - GC

    2024.2.14  Le phosphopeptide de caséine (ou CPP) transporte les ions calcium et phosphate collés à lui, sous la forme de phosphate de calcium amorphe (ou ACP). Le phos-phate de calcium est normalement insoluble, c’est-à-dire qu’il forme une structure cristalline à pH neutre. Le CPP maintient le calcium et le phosphate dans un état

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  • The role of prenucleation clusters in surface-induced calcium phosphate ...

    2010.11.14  Calcium phosphate is the biomineral most relevant for our day-to-day lives, as it forms the main constituent of bone and teeth 5,6,7.Calcium phosphate deposition also plays an important role in ...

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  • Calcium and phosphate: a duet of ions playing for bone health

    The acquisition and maintenance of bone mass and strength are influenced by environmental factors, including physical activity and nutrition. Among micronutrients, calcium (Ca) and inorganic (i) phosphate (P) are the two main constituents of hydroxyapatite, the bone mineral that strengthens the mechanical resistance of the

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  • Leaching of phosphorus from phosphate tailings and

    2023.12.1  The mineral phase in phosphate tailings was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD, D8 ADVANCE, Bruker) under the Cu Kα radiation (50 kV and 30 mA). The scanning was performed within a 2θ range of 20∼70° with scanning steps of 0.02 and a speed of 3°/min. The phosphate tailings powder is uniformly attached to the conductive tape.

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  • In vivo efficacy of calcium phosphate-based synthetic-bone-mineral

    Osteopenia and osteoporosis affect over 40 million US adults 50 years and older. Both diseases are strongly influenced by estrogen and nutritional-mineral deficiencies. This study investigates the efficacy of orally delivered synthetic-bone-mineral (SBM), a newly developed calcium phosphate based bi

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  • Calcium Phosphate Mineral - an overview ScienceDirect

    Calcium Phosphate Mineral. Calcium phosphate minerals are common in unweathered to moderately weathered soils, however with increased weathering Ca leaches from the soil and precipitates of Al and Fe phosphates form (Pierzynski et al., 2005). ... (De-Bashan and Bashan, 2004). The precipitation process starts with the nucleation of P, the first ...

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  • Impacts of Initial Ca/P on Amorphous Calcium

    Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) can form as a metastable intermediate during the synthesis of calcium phosphate minerals such as brushite (CaHPO 4 2H 2 O) and hydroxylapatite (Ca 5 (PO 4) 3 OH).

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  • Calcium Phosphate SpringerLink

    2023.9.12  Calcium phosphates are classified according to their specific solubilities such as their degradation over time after it is attached and bonded to bone tissue and slowly being replaced by advancing bone growth (Fig. 3.1).Once it is exposed to bodily fluids, an exchange in the surface ions of calcium phosphate or HAp can take place with those of

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  • Amorphous 1-D nanowires of calcium phosphate

    2024.3.1  1. Introduction. As an important inorganic mineral, calcium phosphate is abundant in nature and many organisms. For example, human bone is composed of 70 % inorganic mineral (mainly apatite) and 30 % organic matrix (mainly collagen), while tooth enamel is 97 % hydroxyapatite, 1.5 % proteins, and 1.5 % water [1], [2], [3], [4].Among

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  • Mapping amorphous calcium phosphate transformation into

    2010.3.22  In vitro precipitation of calcium phosphates from solution often progresses through the deposition of amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) as the first-formed mineral phase . ACP transforms into octacalcium phosphate (OCP), which then undergoes hydrolysis to form carbonated hydroxyapatite (HAP), the mineral phase of mature bone ( 4 ).

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  • Calcium Phosphate Mineral - an overview ScienceDirect

    The major components of apatite-mineralized tissue (bone, dentin, and enamel) are minerals (calcium phosphate), organics (collagen), and water. Bone and dentin consist of about 45-70 wt.% mineral and 10 wt.% water, and the rest is collagen with a small proportion of noncollagenous proteins [ 3 ]. Enamel is strikingly different in its total lack ...

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  • Calcium et phosphate biodisponibles

    2024.2.14  Le phosphopeptide de caséine (ou CPP) transporte les ions calcium et phosphate collés à lui, sous la forme de phosphate de calcium amorphe (ou ACP). Le phos-phate de calcium est normalement insoluble, c’est-à-dire qu’il forme une structure cristalline à pH neutre. Le CPP maintient le calcium et le phosphate dans un état

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  • Bone: Nature of the Calcium Phosphate Crystals and Cellular, Structural ...

    2006.1.1  Calcium phosphate is the dominant solid mineral phase within the skeletal and dental tissues of vertebrates. This chapter concentrates on the structure and composition of the solid calcium inorganic orthophosphate (Ca–Pi) phase in bone and the mechanisms that are thought to induce the onset of this mineralization process as an

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  • Iron oxides catalyze the hydrolysis of polyphosphate and precipitation ...

    2021.7.15  However, no laboratory studies have demonstrated the formation of crystalline calcium phosphate minerals (e.g., apatite) from polyphosphate hydrolysis. We hypothesize that orthophosphate released from polyphosphate hydrolytic degradation is a key step for the nucleation and precipitation of calcium phosphate minerals.

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  • Iron oxides catalyze the hydrolysis of polyphosphate

    2021.7.15  P XANES spectra of calcium phosphate mineral or polyphosphate compounds have post-edge characteristics that are different from varied P standard compounds ... Office of Science User Facility operated for the DOE Office of Science under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515 and DE-AC02-06CH11357, respectively. Appendix

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