The archaeological record: Flinders Petrie in Egypt - UCL
39 行 2 天之前 William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) first went to Egypt in 1880
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安妮是英国船长 马修弗林德斯 的女儿, 马修弗林德斯 领导了澳大利亚的第一次环球航行,马修以他的名字命名。 [3] William Petrie 是一位电气工程师,他开发了碳弧照明,后来为 Johnson, Matthey Co. 开发了化学工艺。 [8] 皮特里在一个基督教家庭长大(他的父亲是 普利茅斯弟兄会 的成员 ),并在家里接受教育。 他没有受过正规教育。 他的父亲教他的
consulter en lignePetrie, William Matthew Flinders SpringerLink
2020.10.26 Basic Biographical Information. William Matthew Flinders Petrie was born on 3 June 1853 in Kent, England. The only child of a middle-class Victorian family, his father William Petrie was an inventor and surveyor, while his mother Anne was the only daughter of famed explorer and navigator, Matthew Flinders.
consulter en ligneSir William Matthew Flinders Petrie - Academia
A pioneering Egyptologist, Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853–1942) excavated over fifty sites and trained a generation of archaeologists. His meticulous recording of artefacts and his sequence dating of pottery
consulter en ligneSir Flinders Petrie summary Britannica
Sir Flinders Petrie, (born June 3, 1853, Charlton, near Greenwich, London, Eng.—died July 28, 1942, Jerusalem), British archaeologist who made valuable contributions to the techniques of excavation and dating.
consulter en lignePetrie, (Sir) William Matthew Flinders - Griffith Institute Archive
British Egyptologist. Born, Charlton 1853. Died, Jerusalem 1942. Not formally educated, was first introduced to ancient Egypt after reading Piazzi Smyth's publication of the Great Pyramid. Began his archaeological career excavating and surveying ... Control area. Sources. Who Was Who in Egyptology (4th ed. 2012), 428-30 fig. (portrait).
consulter en ligneDigital Giza Sir William Flinders Petrie
Details. Type. Individual - Modern. Nationality and Dates. British, 1853–1942. Remarks. Father of British Egyptology. Tombs and Monuments 20. Finds 2. Excavation Diary Pages 3. Published Documents 12. Unpublished Documents 72.
consulter en ligneWilliam Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) - data.bnf
William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) Image non encore disponible Pays : Grande-Bretagne Langue : Anglais Sexe : Masculin Naissance : Londres, 03-06-1853 Mort : Jérusalem, 28-07-1942 Note : Archéologue, égyptologue Autre forme du nom : Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) ISNI : ISNI 0000 0001 2120 3374 (Informations sur l'ISNI) Data 1/5
consulter en ligneFlinders Petrie – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
3 天之前 Flinders Petrie. Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, FRS, FBA (Charlton, 3 de junho de 1853 — Jerusalém, Mandato Britânico da Palestina, 28 de julho de 1942) foi um arqueólogo e egiptólogo britânico nascido em Charlton, próximo a Greenwich, Londres, um pioneiro de metodologia sistemática em arqueologia que inventou um método para ...
consulter en ligneWilliam Matthew Flinders Petrie - Encyclopédie Wikimonde
Stèle de Mérenptah. William Matthew Flinders Petrie ( 3 juin 1853 – 28 juillet 1942) est un égyptologue anglais. Professeur d' égyptologie à l' University College de Londres, il dirige des chantiers de fouilles en Égypte et en Palestine . Flinders Petrie est prénommé du nom de son grand-père, le capitaine Matthew Flinders ...
consulter en ligneResearches in Sinai - Cambridge University Press
William Matthew Flinders Petrie. Publisher: Cambridge University Press Online publication date: October 2014. Print publication year: 2013. Online ISBN: 9781107325258. ... Select CHAPTER XVII - MOUNT SINAI AND
consulter en ligneWilliam Matthew Flinders Petrie - New World Encyclopedia
4 天之前 Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie (June 3, 1853 – July 28, 1942), commonly known as Flinders Petrie, was an English Egyptologist and a pioneer of systematic methodology in archaeology.His work allowed precise measurement and dating of ancient monuments. His particular interest was in Ancient Egypt, beginning with the Great
consulter en ligneA crowd turns out to honor (most of) an archaeological giant
2012.8.1 Flinders Petrie — his full name, rarely used, was William Matthew Flinders Petrie — was born in England in 1853 to a father who was a surveyor and inventor and a mother who knew eight ...
consulter en ligneFlinders Petrie – Wikipédia
2024.5.12 Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie (Charlton, 1853. június 3. – Jeruzsálem, 1942.július 28.) angol egyiptológus, a régészet tudományos módszertanának egyik úttörője volt. Számos munkálatot vezetett, melyek közül a legnevezetesebbek a gízai platón végzett felmérései mellett Naukratisz, Tanisz, Abüdosz és Tell el-Amarna
consulter en ligneWilliam Flinders Petrie: A Forgotten Father of Scientific Archaeology ...
2016.9.27 William Flinders Petrie, often known as Flinders Petrie, was born in 1853 - many years after the first amateur ''excavation'' in Egypt by Giovanni Battista Belzoni, and 23 years after the official creation of the science of Egyptology. A Boy Genius. William was a grandson of the first man to chart Australia.
consulter en ligneWilliam Matthew Flinders Petrie - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia
3 天之前 William Matthew Flinders Petrie, FRS (Charlton, 3 de junio de 1853 – Jerusalén, 28 de julio de 1942) fue un importante egiptólogo británico, pionero en la utilización de un método sistemático en el estudio arqueológico, siendo considerado el fundador de la arqueología científica.Ocupó la primera cátedra de Egiptología en el Reino Unido, y
consulter en ligneFlinders petrie hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy
RFEFMK8B – This scene was uncovered on a floor in the palace at Amarna by English archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie. Known today as Amarna, the site was lAkhetaten, founded by Akhenaten. Akhenaten was an 18th Dynasty (New Kingdom) Egyptian pharaoh, who introduced the sole worship of the Aten (symbolized by the sun disk at top, extending its
consulter en ligneh2g2 - The legend of the Ark of the Covenant
2003.5.1 The Temple at Mount Horeb 1. In March 1904, the distinguished British archaeologist Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie 2 (1853-1942) made an astonishing discovery. He had gone to survey what the Old Testament referred to as Mount Horeb, the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God.Buried under the sacred
consulter en ligneFlinders Petrie (1853-1942). L’inventeur du prédynastique
n° 17 -septembre 2007 ARCHÉONIL 61 Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) et Quibell repèrent Ballas et Nagada, sur la rive ouest du Nil. Là, des milliers de tessons disséminées sur une très vaste surface évoquent l’existence d’un cimetière, plusieurs blocs sculptés celle d’un temple. Nous sommes en 1894.
consulter en lignePetrie, Sir William Matthew Flinders° Encyclopedia
2024.4.15 PETRIE, SIR WILLIAM MATTHEW FLINDERS°PETRIE, SIR WILLIAM MATTHEW FLINDERS° (1853–1942). British archaeologist well-known for his work in Egypt, as well as in Palestine. In 1880 he visited Egypt for the first time and in 1882 he was engaged in establishing the exact measurements of the Giza pyramids. In Palestine he
consulter en ligneFlinders Petrie Pages
2016.5.7 Flinders Petrie Ryan Johnson Image 1 Introduction. Flinders Petrie was a British archaeologist and Egyptologist who was born on June 3, 1853 in Charlton, England, near Greenwich, and passed away on July 28, 1942. He made valuable contributions to the techniques and methods of field excavation, and invented a sequence dating method that
consulter en ligneFlinders Petrie – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
2024.4.16 Petrie sinh ngày 3 tháng 6 năm 1853 ở phố Maryon, Charlton, Kent, nước Anh, có cha là William Petrie (1821–1908) và mẹ là Anne (nhũ danh Flinders) (1812–1892). Matthew được đặt tên theo ông ngoại mình là thuyền trưởng người Anh Matthew Flinders, người đã dẫn đầu chuyến hải hành vòng ...
consulter en ligneWilliam Matthew Flinders Petrie - Babelio
Biographie : William Matthew Flinders Petrie est un égyptologue anglais. Professeur d'égyptologie à l'University College de Londres, il a dirigé des chantiers en Égypte et en Palestine. Il fut prénommé du nom de son grand-père, le capitaine Matthew Flinders, explorateur qui le premier traça la carte géographique de l'Australie.
consulter en lignePetrie, William Matthew Flinders SpringerLink
2020.10.26 William Matthew Flinders Petrie was born on 3 June 1853 in Kent, England. The only child of a middle-class Victorian family, his father William Petrie was an inventor and surveyor, while his mother Anne was the only daughter of famed explorer and navigator, Matthew Flinders. After a severe childhood illness almost claimed his life,
consulter en ligneFlinders Petrie – Wikipedia
2024.5.10 Leben Herkunft und Ausbildung. Flinders Petrie war der Sohn des Landvermessers und Ingenieurs William Petrie und dessen Frau Anne, der Tochter von Captain Matthew Flinders, der die Küsten Australiens erforscht hatte. Er besuchte nie eine reguläre Schule, sondern wurde von seinem Vater, seiner Mutter und einer Großtante
consulter en ligneThe Fitzwilliam Museum - William Matthew Flinders Petrie
William Matthew Flinders Petrie. Sir Flinders Petrie (1853–1942) is one of the most important and influential figures in the history of Egyptology. He was an archaeologist whose sixty years in the field produced an enormous amount of archaeological evidence for all periods of Egyptian history from prehistoric through to medieval times.
consulter en ligneA Bibliography of Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie
A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SIR WILLIAM MATTHEW FLINDERS PETRIE (1853-1942) 357. his attention, which roved from astronomical subjects to sociological matters and even to hospital door handles. We doubt if any archaeologist will again write about such a varied selection of subjects. To read his bibliography is to see that it is not a question of what ...
Prolífico autor, Flinders Petrie dejó un inmenso legado a la arqueología en general y a la egiptología en particular a través de sus excavaciones y publicaciones. I. PRIMEROS AÑOS William Matthew Flinders Petrie nació el 3 de junio de 1853 en Maryon Road, Charlton (Kent, Inglaterra), hijo de William Petrie (1821-1908), un ingeniero ...
consulter en ligneDeutsche Biographie - Petrie, William M. Flinders
Localized places could be overlay each other depending on the zoo m level. In this case the shadow of the symbol is darker and the individual place symbols will fold up by clicking upon.
consulter en ligneSir William Matthew Flinders Petrie - Academia
A pioneering Egyptologist, Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853–1942) excavated over fifty sites and trained a generation of archaeologists. His meticulous recording of artefacts and his sequence dating of pottery
consulter en ligneResearches in Sinai : Petrie, W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders ...
2008.4.4 Petrie, W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders), Sir, 1853-1942; Currelly, C. T. (Charles Trick), 1876-1957. Publication date 1906 Topics Sinai (Egypt) Publisher New York : Dutton Collection robarts; toronto Contributor Robarts - University of Toronto Language English. 26 Addeddate 2008-04-04 00:57:22
consulter en ligneFlinders Petrie - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader
2024.5.13 Early life. Petrie was born on 3 June 1853 in Charlton, Kent, England, the son of William Petrie (1821–1908) and Anne (née Flinders) (1812–1892). Anne was the daughter of British Captain Matthew Flinders, who led the first circumnavigation of Australia (and after whom Petrie was named). [3] William Petrie was an electrical engineer who
consulter en ligneWilliam Flinders Petrie – Wikipedie
2024.5.12 Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie (3. června 1853 v Charltonu u Londýna – 28. července 1942 v Jeruzalémě) byl známý anglický archeolog a egyptolog. Byl jedním ze zakladatelů propracované archeologické metodologie, známý svým systematickým a pečlivým přístupem k vykopávkám a jejich dokumentování.
consulter en ligneDeutsche Biographie - Petrie, William M. Flinders
Zitierweise Petrie, William M. Flinders, Indexeintrag: Deutsche Biographie, deutsche-biographie/pnd11910203X.html [24.07.2023].
consulter en ligneRicordando un grande dell’egittologia: William Matthew Flinders Petrie
2019.6.3 Dagli scavi di Petrie ad Hawara eseguiti tra il 1888/9 e il 1910/11. Credit Nel 1853, a Charlton, nacque Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, archeologo di fama mondiale. Petrie scavò a Stonehenge tra il 1875 e 1880 per poi dirottare le sue attenzioni in Egitto, dove trascorse gran parte della sua vita lavorativa, ed in
consulter en ligneFlinders Petrie - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia ...
2024.5.10 Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, FRS [2] (3 Juni 1853 – 28 Juli 1942), umumnya dikenal sebagai Flinders Petrie adalah seorang ahli di bidang arkeologi yang terkenal. [3] [4] Dia mengawali kariernya sebagai seorang arkeolog pada tahun 1881. [4] Ia menjadi terkenal ketika melakukan penelitian arkeologis di Mesir dengan dukungan
consulter en ligneWilliam Flinders Petrie – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
2024.5.12 Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie (ur. 3 czerwca 1853 w Charlton pod Londynem, zm. 28 lipca 1942 w Jerozolimie) – brytyjski archeolog i egiptolog. Był wnukiem badacza Australii Matthew Flindersa. Biografia O jego edukację osobiście zadbali rodzice ...
consulter en ligneDeutsche Biographie - Petrie, William M. Flinders
Zitierweise Petrie, William M. Flinders, Indexeintrag: Deutsche Biographie, deutsche-biographie/pnd11910203X.html [14.03.2023].
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