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  • Estimation of Fines Generation in Blasting Using Dynamic Rock ...

    source of fines [5]. Therefore, the amount of fines generated from a large-scale mine blast is impossible to measure if only the crushed zone is considered. Nevertheless, this

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  • Aggregate production: Fines generation during rock crushing

    Limestone and diabase data from Wood and Marek (1996). product) and the average percentage of fines generated from each crusher type. Two heuristics guide most

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  • (PDF) Fines and Dust generation and control in Rock

    2012.11.24  The results of the blasting experiments indicate that by controlling the size of the crushing zone and adjusting explosive

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    aggregate production amount of fines produced ranges between 20%-40% (Mitchell et al, 2008). Mines have to face the problem of storage and use of fines. It is important to

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  • Reduction of Fragment Size from Mining to Mineral Processing: A

    2022.10.4  7 Citations. Explore all metrics. Abstract. The worldwide mining industry consumes a vast amount of energy in reduction of fragment size from mining to mineral

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  • Estimation of fines generated by blasting - Academia

    Jasmin Jug. Sushil Bhandari. ABSTRACT: Fine materials resulting from blasting have varied utilization. Sometimes fines are considered useful in further metallurgical and chemical processing, while at other times fines

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  • Estimation of fines generated by blasting Ð applications for the ...

    Whilst fines may be detrimental to some operations, in large-scale metalliferous mining there is evidence to suggest that by providing an appropriate size distribution to

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  • Estimation of Fines Generation in Blasting Using Dynamic Rock ...

    Although various approaches have been used to estimate fines generation in recent decades, as a practical matter, measuring the amount of fines is nearly impossible

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  • Estimation of fines generated by blasting – applications for the ...

    2013.9.5  This paper introduces an engineering approach to estimate the proportion of fines generated during the blasting process. The proposed framework is based on the

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