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  • Brazil's Gerdau to invest $667 million in sustainable

    2023.6.15  The new platform will raise the production capacity of Gerdau's Miguel Burnier mine to 5.5 million metric tons of iron ore per year and is scheduled to start operating at the end of 2025 ...

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  • Gerdau reveals details of its $653 million investment plan

    2023.8.9  Gerdau has revealed the details of its 3.2 billion reais ($653 million) investment on the Miguel Burnier iron ore mine in Minas Gerais state. The new platform

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  • SEC Technical Report Summary Miguel Burnier Mine

    The Miguel Burnier mine is an open pit iron ore operation wholly owned by Gerdau. Active mining of iron began in 2007. In 2023 SRK prepared as a PFS-level Technical Report

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  • Gerdau to spend $664.5m on sustainable mining in Brazil

    2023.6.16  Gerdau will invest in its Miguel Burnier mine in the Ouro Preto district, with an estimated annual iron ore production capacity of 5.5 million tonnes (t). The mine

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  • Gerdau announces expansion of iron ore production in Brazil

    2023.6.19  Brazilian steel producer Gerdau announced investments of BRL 3.2 billion ($665 million) to increase the iron ore production of its Miguel Burnier mine, from 1.2

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  • The Miguel Burnier district: An encapsulation of Brazil's mining ...

    2021.12.1  The Miguel Burnier district can be seen as a Brazil's mining history summary. •. Brazil's history is deeply connected with mining. •. Mineral extraction,

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  • Onsite audit for Gerdau’s Miguel Burnier Mine coming 28 August

    2023.8.1  Between August 28 and September 5, 2023, SCS Global Services (SCS) will commence an independent audit of Gerdau’s Miguel Burnier Iron Ore Mine

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  • Gerdau To Invest $667 Million in Sustainable Mining Platform

    2023.6.16  New platform will raise production capacity of Gerdau’s Miguel Burnier mine in Minas Gerais to 5.5 million metric tons of iron ore per year. Scheduled to start

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  • Gerdau is making investments in Brazil to expand its iron ore

    2023.6.20  Gerdau plans to invest R$3.2 billion ($665 million) in its Miguel Burnier mine, located in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, to expand iron ore production from 1.2 million

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  • Gerdau confirms iron ore reserves in southeastern Brazil mine

    Thursday, 10 August 2023 20:15:42 (GMT+3) Sao Paulo. Brazil ’s Gerdau group announced the certification by SRK Consulting of a volume of 138 million mt of proved

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